This guide is for people who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and have mild to moderate symptoms.
If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, you must follow the instructions given to you by your local public health unit, health department, hospital or general practitioner (GP).
If you have no symptoms, or your symptoms are mild to moderate, it is usually safe for you to isolate and manage your symptoms at home. If you are recovering in your home instead of going to hospital, your care team could include your GP, nurse, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner and the local public health unit.
Remember: It is normal for COVID-19 symptoms to change over time. Some people will have no symptoms and some people’s symptoms might become worse over a couple of weeks. This guide is designed to help you understand what to expect when you are diagnosed with COVID-19, and what to look out for so that you know if your COVID-19 is getting worse.
Most people with COVID-19 will recover without needing to go to hospital or any special treatment.
All COVID-19 patients need to be monitored closely while they recover at home. This is how we can keep them safe with regular check-ups.
While you will have regular contact with your health providers, you will need to continue to monitor your own health as well throughout this time. To help you to monitor your health at home, you will need some equipment, including a thermometer and a pulse oximeter. Exactly what you will need and how you can get hold of this equipment is explained later in the guide.
Do not wait for your health provider to contact you if you have symptoms that are causing you concern.
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